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Showing posts from March 22, 2016

Maturity And Knowing One Another

In some ways, whom you choose to marry is a matter of right or wrong. Spiritual wisdom comes from God, but in many ways, the decision requires considerable judgment - not necessarily absolute rights or wrong but I believe it is important to have wisdom and consider the advice of elderly ones around you. That was why Solomon told his son when advising him about relationships with women to pay attention to wisdom and preserve discretion. Proverbs 5:1-2.  Choose A Companion Based On Character, Not Emotions. Genesis 24 - Abraham's servant found a wife for Isaac. The couple never met till their wedding. And the specific choice was arranged by God (verse 50 & 51), which cannot be done today. But Abraham insisted that the bride come from his family so he knew her background, not from the wicked people of the land. And the decision was made by a man of wise judgment who entreated the blessing of God. Genesis 29 - Jacob also went back to his mother's family to find

Regular Physical Exercise Pays

“Physical Fitness Is As Important As Spiritual Fitness” Anchor Text: “For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come” 1 Timothy 4:8. Physical fitness is a general state of health and well-being; the ability to perform aspects of sports or occupations. This can be achieved through correct nutrition, moderate-vigorous physical exercise, physical activity and sufficient rest. Being physically fit is as important as being spiritually fit. The truth is, physical fitness controls the quality of one’s lifestyle. Overweight, tired and weak people cannot do as they wish; they cannot live the standard of life they desire and this is as a result of irregular exercises. Many do not exercise their body at all; instead of complying, they give excuses, rationalize and justify their reasons of not exercising. In 1 Timothy 4:8a, the bible rightly states that bodily exercise profiteth a little: ‘For

Step Aside & Listen

“I will take my place at the watchtower. I will stand at my post and watch. I will watch and see what He says to me.
 I need to think about how I should respond to Him 
When He gets back to me with His answer” Hab.2:1 “We do not learn by experience. We learn from experience by reflecting” –Anonymous. This is so true. Things happen to us every day, if we learn by experience, everybody will be so smart. But most of the time, we are not even paying attention. We do not even take time out to reflect on the things that happen to us daily. A whole lot has happened in this year already. God is saying to you, Solitude! You need time out and reflect. You need to! The third thing is Listening. Why listening? It is because tuning is a relative activity. You can only tune a guitar when you hear the “proper pitch” of the original note. You may not be a musician but you can tell when musical instruments are out of tune and when they are in tune by just listening. Many things are happening in our


“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. And you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 When I was a little boy, my father bought me a bicycle. The bicycle changed my life totally. It released power to me at least as far as my mobility was concerned. All my mates did not have bicycles. I remember riding my bicycle and all the children on our street will run after me and it made me feel very powerful. It was so profound to me because for the first time in my life, I had power to move faster than my two legs. That bicycle was to me the power of acceleration and mobility, I could move. When I grew older, that power of mobility changed to a car. You may be wondering what the connection is between a bicycle and Easter. I will tell you. Easter is all about The Power of God. In fact, Easter introduces The Power of God into our lives. If you had been moving at two

Open Heavens Daily Devotional Tuesday 22 March 2016

Theme: Growing in Grace Memorise: But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen. 2 Peter 3:18 Read: Titus 2:15 15 These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority. Let no man despise thee. Message It is the responsibility of every Christian to grow spiritually. It is not enough for us to allow our spiritual growth to be at the expense of the pastors, or the number of church programmes we attend. There is a need to be personally committed to your growth. The capacity of growth is within the grace and knowledge which has been given to us by Jesus Christ. The fact that Jesus became a sacrifice for us is an expression of the height of love which the Fathers has for us. Each time we put this in remembrance, it should condition us to do only those things which are pleasing and acceptable to God. Many people today have abused the grace of God, they became so familiar with the ways and acts of God. T