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Showing posts from June 19, 2016

A Miracle Inside You

Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts. Zechariah 4:6 I remember the first time I went with the Oral Roberts crusade team to a healing meeting. I was a student and a member of his aircraft crew. I had been a believer a little over four years and knew so little about the things of God, especially meetings like these. However, I was part of the team and eager to learn. I followed the team inside this huge auditorium. It was filled with sick people. The place smelled, it was so full of disease. Just walking in there sent chills of fear up my spine. I turned around and headed for the side door as fast as I could, talking to God under my breath. “Listen, I don’t belong here,” I told Him. “I’m getting on a Greyhound bus and heading home right now. They can get that airplane home without me.” Once I was outside the door, I started talking louder. Then suddenly, I froze. My feet wouldn’t move. I knew it was God who’d stopped me because, inside, I was still on my

Stay Focused

  “The light of the body is the eye: if therefore your eye be single, your whole body shall be full of light” Matt.6:22 Do not be in a hurry to judge people because you do not know where God has taken them from and you do not know where God is taking them. Someone walks up to me and reels out a list of judgments for another person that they insist I must execute. I simply smile at such people and never really say anything. And in my mind I am thinking, I know where this same judgmental person came from. So how can it be him or her that is pulling out the judgmental stick on someone else? But I do not say anything - I just smile. Many times, we write off people that God has tagged as work in progress. Sometimes we even want to put a full stop where God is saying, work to be continued. Do not write off anybody. The third enemy of exploitation is Distraction. Back in 1941, in the days of Hitler, there was an operation called “Operation Barbarossa”. Hitler had three million solid soldier