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Showing posts from June 23, 2016

Dealing With Forgetfulness - Pastor Femi Emmanuel

ANCHOR TEXT: “Are your wonders known in the place of darkness, or your righteous deeds in the land of oblivion?” {Psalms 88:12}. QUOTE OF THE DAY:“EACH TIME YOU FORGET WHAT YOU SUPPOSED TO REMEMBER SOMETHING DIES” Everyone becomes forgetful at one time or the other: forgetting where you keep the car key, not remembering to pick up an item at the grocery store, forgetting to return a friend’s call and so on. To start with, why do people forget things? Our brain loses track of events or issues when we are stressed; when we attempt to load it with too many information per time, and when we fail to keep record of most important things. As man advances in age, he tends to become increasingly forgetful. So, at whatever age, you can forget things sometimes. For the fact that this happens to you once in a while is a sign that your brain is working properly. A study recently carried out revealed that the brain only chooses to remember those things it thinks are most relevant and activ

See Yourself Strong - kenneth copeland Ministries

And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight. – Numbers 13:33 How does the devil see you? Does he see you as a terrifying and mighty warrior of God...or does he see you as a wimp he can whip in a minute? The answer to that question depends on you. I realized that one day as I was studying the children of Israel and their failure to enter the Promised Land. The key to their failure is found in these words: “And we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” The reason the Israelites were so terrified to fight the giants in Canaan wasn’t because those giants were so big. It was because the Israelites saw themselves as so small! It was what they were in their own sight that defeated them. The same thing is true for you as a believer. It’s what you are in your own sight that will make the difference. If, in your own sight, you’re a weak, powerless Christian, the devil will run over you three or four times a day or more if he’s not

Your Job - God's Favourite House

  “But don’t begin until you count the cost. For who would begin construction of a building without first calculating the cost to see if there is enough money to finish it?” {Luke.14:28}| It is clear that God’s heart for us this year and beyond is victory and so shall it be, in Jesus Name. Why do we keep reiterating this? It is because you and I must let it sink deep down in our souls that God will give us victory. But you must take responsibility as the general of your life. You [not the nation, or the government, or the Politicians] are the general of your life. The earlier you realize it, the better for you and your children yet unborn. The posterity of your soul, of your destiny and of your generation is up to you. I agree that there is a place for the government providing an enabling environment. Yet the truth remains that the posterity of your soul and of your life is in your hands whether the government is good or bad. I am sure you are aware that there are paupers even in tho

A Worthy Offering - Pastor E.A Adeboye

Memorise :Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. {2 Corinthians 9 : 7}. Read :Luke 21:1-4 Message: Out of her poverty, this widow gave all she had. Those who lack understanding can never fathom why this woman had to give all she had. She did it because she was grateful to God for the salvation of her soul. For all that must come to Jesus, must express their appreciation for salvation of their souls. Those who find it difficult to give a worthy offering to God are usually those who believe that it is the effort of their hands that had earned them all that they have. But this is not true because it is the blessing of the Lord that maketh rich and addeth no sorrow. There are people who are so selfish, that they prefer to consume their wealth upon their lusts rather than meet a desperate need even when it is so glaring. The widow simply gave out of her heart of gratitude for all the Lord had do