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Showing posts from March 24, 2016

God Has a Confusing Plan for Your Life

We all have stories of getting lost. Here is one of mine: I crossed the Sahara one year on an expedition truck with 20 others, grinding and meandering from Cairo into the heart of Africa. We got lost often, once for three days, wandering farther and farther into the African bush with insufficient water, no GPS, and no people to point the way out. We were tense: we had to get off the earthen roads before the monsoon rains began. For most of those months, we were covered in dust, breathing through bandanas, praying we’d find the right path. That’s one kind of “lost narrative.” Here’s another: As I write, I am on the brink of major life changes—some prayed for, a few drastic and unwelcome. I find myself stumbling, fearful, uncertain of these new snaking roads and unsure of God’s place in it all. Then I feel guilty. Where is my faith? Why am I not “counting it all joy” and skipping confidently into the sunny future? A. J. Swoboda’s newest book, The Dusty Ones: Why Wandering Deepens Your

Discover Your Place of Assignment

IF YOU ARE NOT IN YOUR PLACE, YOU WILL BE OUT OF PLACE ANCHOR TEXT: “But to each one of us grace has been given as Christ apportioned it” Ephesians 4:7. Studies have shown that over 70% of all workers on their jobs are on the wrong jobs, therefore leading to frustration, poverty and early death. In addition, 8 out of every 10-bank worker across the world, when interviewed, admitted they are on the wrong job. Most of them got to bank not because they are cut out for such but for better pay packet. Many company executives and heads of reputable organizations too are consumed by restlessness and confusion because they have invested into businesses different from what they are originally cut out for. Some are into many things at a time; not having an edge in any, just because of involvement in things different from their divine field. You cannot do everything everywhere; you are not created to do all. You cannot be ‘jack of all trades’, if you are, you shall be a misfit and a failure. D

The Reason

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you” Rom.8:11 Jesus is coming again! For those of us that have our faith in Jesus, this is what keeps us going. The fact that Jesus is coming again and this physical body will be changed. I do not know about you but I want to be raptured. I want to experience rapture. I want to be alive so that when the trumpet sounds, I will know how it feels to just… That would be awesome! Paul says, “If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable” 1 Cor.15:19. In other words, if all we live for is for Fridays and Saturdays then we are in trouble. But thank God there is a Sunday. The reason Easter is repeated year after year is to remind you and I that He will not leave us in the grave. He will not leave you and me in the grave. So you may be feeling the press, the pressure and t