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Showing posts from June 29, 2016

Be Willing! - kenneth copeland Ministries

If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. – Isaiah 1:19 A healthy body. Enough money to pay all your bills and extra to invest in the work of the gospel. A godly marriage and happy, healthy children. Peace of mind. God has prepared a banquet full of blessings for you. But those blessings are not just going to fall in your lap. You must be willing—as well as obedient—if you’re going to eat the best from God’s table. So, be willing! Don’t be willing for Satan to put sickness on your body. Be willing, instead, to be well! In honor of Jesus’ sacrifice at Calvary, refuse to accept anything less than divine health. Don’t be willing to live in lack, but be willing instead to live in divine prosperity and abundance. Refuse to allow Satan to stop the flow of God’s financial blessings to you. Be willing to receive God’s best plan for your marriage and your children. Don’t settle for the norms of the world. Live above them in a home full of love and harmony,

Call To Minister Life And Grace - Pastor Chris Oyakilome

Rhapsody Of Realities Daily Devotional {29th June, 2016} Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers -Ephesians 4:29 As Christians, we have the spirit of Christ. We're the light of the world. we're to live, love,talk and conduct all our affairs in life like Him. Your words should minister grace to the hearers always Some people, aren't conscious of this reality. They are controlled by their senses: they do the things they want to do and say what they want to say according to their are feelings. Such people pride themselves in having terrible, abusive, and insulting words. When they're angry,they don't hesitate to speak words that could make the hearers lose sleep. They're  proud of what they should be ashamed of. The Bible says of them, "their God is their appetite ." If  they knew the dire consequences of their actions. Philippians 3:18-19 says

Dancing Unto The Lord - Pastor E.A Adeboye

Open Heavens Daily Devotional {29th June,2014}   Memorise Praise him with the timbrel and dance: praise him with stringed instruments and organs. Psalms 150:4 Read : Psalms 150:1-6 Message There are many people who think it is only when they pray to God that help comes down. The greatest victories that the children of Isreal experienced manifested in an atmosphere of praise. There is always a point where you don't know what to do again, especially when you have done all you can. This is the time when you should begin to dance to the Lord and praise Him. Paul and Silas were just unjustly thrown into the prison, when they did not know what to do next, they turned to praise. The next moment, all door leading into the prison flung open, not for them to escape, but for the people to know the potency of God they were praising. Are you in prison? Do you think there is something the enemy has stolen from you? Have you just lost something very precious to you? Have you just received