Daily Prayers Tuesday 12th July, 2016 1.Thank you Father for the miracle of sleeping and being awake today; I do not take it for granted. 2.Father, in every way I have been unequally yoked together with unbeliever, please have mercy and forgive me in Jesus name 3.Father, make my life your dwelling place. Never let me find occasion to be in agreement with the ungodly 4. I declare by the help of the Holy Spirit never to be influenced by the perverse in this generation 5. Father, please help me to be holy and perfect even as you are holy 6. Lord of hosts, please destroy every work of the devil in my life, my home and my ministry 7. Father, let me and my household stand out for you in every good works. Let our lives glorify you in Jesus name 8. Lord, we bring our land before you for healing and for cleansing from every form of evil. 9. Lord, judge every wickedness done to your children and your church by the enemies of the gospel in Jesus name 10. The blessings...