Some people are afraid to make decisions because they are afraid they will make the wrong ones. But it is better to make a wrong decision than not make any decision at all. This is because not making a decision is a decision. If you refuse to decide to succeed, you have consciously or un-consciously decided to fail. When you refuse to decide, your life is like a wheelbarrow, you only move as far as other people push you. If you refuse to lay the options for yourself and make your decision, you will have to live with the remaining option that is left after other people have made their choice. God designed life to respond only to decisions. Your life will only progress based on the decisions you have made. The reality of your life today is based on the decision you made yesterday. Many lives are not moving forward or not moving at the rate at which they should move because the people who own them have not gathered the courage to make the necessary decisions they need to make to mo...