THEME: It Pays To Obey ANCHOR TEXT: “His mother said to the servants, “Do whatever he tells you” John 2:5. Obedience is a form of act in which a person yields to explicit instructions or orders from an authority figure. It is a form of strict adherence to instructions. So, as God’s children, we are expected to do God’s will as stated in His principles. You are here to serve God’s purpose, to carry out His instructions to detail and never to bef men’s pleasers. When you live to please God, He will manifest His awesomeness through you. Sometimes ago during the United States civil war, Abraham Lincoln met with a group of ministers of the gospel for prayer. One of the ministers said: ‘Mr. President, let us pray that God should be on our side’. Lincoln’s response showed far greater insight, ‘no gentlemen, let us pray that we are on God’s side’. This is an indication that, it is only when you are on God’s side that your issue can be settled. Don’t expect God to service your needs if you...