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Showing posts from June 20, 2016

For His Glory

“I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money back.” Matt.25:25 The fourth enemy of exploitation is Fear. Please read Matthew 25:14-20. The servant said, “I was afraid…” Fear is a major challenge for a lot of us. A lot of people would have gone very far in life but for fear. They are afraid to take a step or to exploit a situation. God will break the back of that fear in Jesus Name. But if you further examine what this same servant said, this servant that did not take full advantage and was not productive, he said, “Master, I knew you were a harsh man, harvesting crops you didn’t plant and gathering crops you didn’t cultivate”. In other words, he was saying his master is an exploitative person. The master said, “you know I operate the Principle of Exploitation, at least you should have put my money in the bank.” God is saying to you and I - I expect you to be exploitative. I expect you to get maximum results from everything I have giv

A Healthy Dose of Love not touchy or fretful or resentful; it takes no account of the evil done to it {it pays no attention to a suffered wrong}. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5, The Amplified Bible Walking in love is good for your health. Did you know that? It’s true! Medical science has proven it. Researchers have discovered that hostility produces stress that causes ulcers, tension headaches and a host of other ills. Now when you think of hostility, you may think of the type of anger you feel when something serious happens. But according to the experts, that kind of thing isn’t what causes the worst problems. It’s the little things: when the dry cleaners ruin your favorite outfit, for example. Or when the cafeteria lady puts gravy on your mashed potatoes after you’ve specifically told her not to. Sound familiar? Just think how much stress you could avoid by being quick to forgive, by living your life according to 1 Corinthians 13 and not counting up the evils done to you. Imagine the physical an