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Showing posts from October 22, 2016

My Brothers and Sisters

Our Daily Bread Devotional October 22nd, 2016 Read: Matthew 25:31-40 Bible in a Year: Isaiah 65-66; 1 Timothy 2 Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me. - Matthew 25:40 Listen to the audio: Several years ago when the Southern California economy took a downturn, Pastor Bob Johnson saw not only difficulty but also opportunity. So he scheduled a meeting with the mayor of his city and asked, “What can our church do to help you?” The mayor was astonished. People usually came to him for help. Here was a minister offering him the services of an entire congregation. Together the mayor and pastor came up with a plan to address several pressing needs. In their county alone, more than 20,000 seniors had gone the previous year without a single visitor. Hundreds of foster children needed families. And many other kids needed tutoring to help them succeed in school. Some of those needs could be addressed without much financial i

When Tough Times Come

From Faith To Faith Daily Devotional October 22nd, 2016 Then had the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria, and were edified; and walking in the fear of the Lord, and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost, were multiplied. - Acts 9:31 There are times when life on this earth is hard and uncomfortable...and even downright painful. When those times come, you deeply need the comfort that only the Holy Spirit can bring. How do you receive that kind of comfort? By doing just what the believers in Acts did. By “walking in the fear of the Lord.” Now, when I talk about “the fear of the Lord,” please understand, I’m not saying you should be afraid of God. He’s your Father! You should be as secure and unafraid when you come before Him as a child who knows he is dearly loved. But you must also have so much respect for Him that whenever He reveals something you need to do, you do it immediately—even if it goes against your natural desires. That’s walking in the fear


God's Favourite House Daily Devotional October 22nd, 2016 click here to listen to the audio devotional:  “Don’t be selfish...  Be humble....  Don’t think only about your own affairs, be interested in others too, and what they are doing. Your attitude should be the same that Christ Jesus had.  Though He was God, He did not demand and cling to His rights.”  Phil. 2:3-6 [Emphasis added] The secret of defusing conflict is in understanding where people are coming from. Understand their circumstance, their background, and their temperament. I know that understanding can be tough and a lot of people do not know how. So I will let you in on the secret to understanding and it is; you understand by listening before you speak. It sounds very simple but this is a life-saver. However in a conflict, all people care about is what they want to say. Have you noticed? But it will only cause more strife. In some cases, one person is practically begging the other person to listen. You get u