God' Favourite House Daily Devotional October 20th, 2016 click here to listen to the audio devotional: “I leave it all in the Lord’s hand; I will trust God for my reward.” Isa. 49:4 [Emphasis added] You need to develop a thick skin and a soft heart. Unfortunately, many of us develop a soft skin and a thick heart. And as a result, you are irritated at any small thing because our skins are so sensitive and our hearts are hardened [unforgiveness]. God wants you to reverse it. He wants you to have a thick skin and a soft heart, quick to forgive. So what if someone says something about you? My grandmother would usually say, the person said it with his or her mouth. You need to understand that everybody is entitled to an opinion and it does not have to align with yours. In fact, if you get ticked off too easily by criticism, it may be a pointer to pride. Ninety percent of the time, it is a pointer to pride. God has blessed people with their mouths so let them sa...