THEME: YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED ANCHOR TEXT: “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the grave, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom” Ecclesiastes 9:10. No one has eternity to do whatever he has to do. There is a short or limited time we will all spend on earth. As the clock ticks, as the sun rises and sets, our days on earth get reduced. Each birthday you celebrate, you are by a measure closer to your grave or eternity. The planet earth is a passing phase for all of us. We are to pass this phase but once. Perhaps you do not know, it is here on earth that we marry, it is here on earth we go to school. It is on this planet, we become a blessing to others or others becoming a blessing to us. It is on this earth we make impact, and whatever good thing that is worth doing on earth. How many days do you think you will spend on earth? I guess nobody knows. This is the reason you cannot afford to be stagnant....