God's Favourite House Daily Devotional Saturday 23rd July 2016 Theme: Cut It Off “He cuts off every branch of mine that doesn’t produce fruit, and he prunes the branches that do bear fruit so they will produce even more” John 15:2 You cannot just be doing things because other people are doing it. That is the fastest route to killing yourself. As a church, in God’s Favourite House, there are so many things that we have put to sleep. One example is bulletins. The amount of work hours that goes into printing bulletins every week is a lot; content development, content gathering, proof reading, and the printing not to talk of the cost of the printing. So one day I met with my team and challenged the usefulness of the bulletins. Do people really read the bulletins? So we decided to do a little experiment, we would stop printing bulletins and see who misses it. We stopped and nobody missed it. A few months later I asked someone, how was the bulletin last week? And he said, powe...