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Showing posts from April 9, 2016

Stop that fuzzy prayers

ANCHOR TEXT: “Again, if the trumpet does not sound a clear call, who will get ready for battle?” 1 Corinthians 14:8. Howatt, in 1999 observed: ‘people who construct their goals in concrete terms are 50 percent more likely to feel confident they will attain their goals’. God looks abstract or difficult to relate with, not because He is elusive, stingy, or not real but because most of what human being ask Him to do are either things not clearly presented or things they can do by themselves. Just as life cannot run on vague ideas or concepts, so also, God cannot oblige vague requests. When you are praying that God should help you, in which way or area do you want Him to help you? What plans have you put in place or which efforts have you made that He will bless? If you are praying that God should make your tomorrow better than your today, what are your own plans, or what steps have you taken so far towards making it better? QUOTE OF THE DAY:“A FUZZY REQUEST SELDOM PROVOKES ACTION

All Efforts

“Where there is no vision, the people perish”  Prov. 29:18 [KJV] In military strategy, the principle of The Objective states thus: “Direct all efforts towards a clearly defined, decisive & attainable objective.” Three key things jump out immediately from this definition. Direct all efforts towards a Clearly Defined, Decisive and Attainable objective. So we are going to spend some time on those three things. #1. Attainable: Do not shoot for something that is not attainable. Do not waste your time and resources. But are we not supposed to believe God for the big things and the things that are not accessible? We are! Your vision must actually make provision for things that you need help from above to attain. So I say always make allowance for the 1 Corinthians 2:9 in your vision. “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man…”; those things that always look totally unattainable. So if your vision does not require a supernatural intervention, your v