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Showing posts from February 6, 2017

Your Final Authority

I am the Lord, I change not. – Malachi 3:6 The world's order of things is unsure and indefinite. Desperate words of uncertainty are crying out daily from radio, television and newspapers. Everything around us seems to be in turmoil. But, praise God, if you're a believer you have something you can depend on: the unchanging Word of God! God has no double standard. He doesn't say one thing today and something else tomorrow. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If you will make the Word the final authority in your life, it will give you stability when everything else around you gives way. If you'll let what God says settle the issues of life, you'll be confident when others are confused, peaceful when others are under pressure. You'll be overcoming when others are being overcome! What does it mean to make God's Word the final authority? It means believing what He says instead of believing what people say. It means believing what He says ins

Contend With I

2 Cor.10:5 [ERV] “and we tear down every proud idea that raises itself against the knowledge of God. We also capture every thought and make it give up and obey Christ” We have established that there are voices in the atmosphere around us and all that we need is the right gadget to tune-in to those voices. Note that the fact that your gadget can receive does not mean you will be tuned-in automatically. You will still need to tune it right? Again while you are tuning, you will notice that some channels came easily. But some other channels need to be fine-tuned for clarity. Spiritually, the channel that needs a lot of fine-tuning is the expressions of the Holy Spirit. To get clarity in the expressions of the Holy Spirit, we need to understand that when it comes to prayer, to fine tuning, and to hearing God accurately, there are two things we need to contend with. The first is our Commitment and the second is our Conscience. With commitment for instance, you would discover that it i