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Showing posts from April 12, 2016

End that rat race now

ANCHOR TEXT: “Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is — his good, pleasing and perfect will” Romans 12:2. The essence of mankind is not competition; it is creativeness. Throughout the universe, there is not another you, nor has there ever been another you. If this is the case, is it not ridiculous to attempt to mould yourself into a likeness of your fellow; or to attempt to undo the work that God has done? The universe has wired no other person like you, so, only you can be you. Running the rat race simply means competing with others or trying to be like others on the basis of what they have that you do not have. It means forcing yourself to do what you are not wired to do. Competition attempts to be like but creativeness attempts to be unlike. Competition casts all humanity into the same mold, but creativeness makes of each man an individual counterpart

Use Your Brain!

“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint” Prov. 29:18 Clarity is key! Seek clarity with all your might. Clarity comes from God speaking and from clear thinking. Many times we are asking God to speak and God will speak. But sometimes God wants you to think. You must know the difference. Some time ago, it was a period of fuel scarcity. I hate fuel scarcity and I am sure you do too. So there was this petrol station that was selling fuel and I got on the queue. The queue was moving slowly but I could see the gate of the station from where I was. But there was another petrol station on the other side of the express road and they too were selling. So while still on that queue I was saying to the Lord, should I stay on this line or should I go to the other petrol station? Lord tell me, speak to your boy and God did not say anything. And I said, “Lord your boy is waiting, speak Lord and God did not say anything. So I pressed in and pressed in and what God sai