God's Favourite House Daily Devotional Thursday July 14th 2016 “A pretentious, showy life is an empty life; a plain and simple life is a full life” Prov.13:7 The mark of a great general is the ability to strip things down to their barest essential and then focus. As the head of the home, you are the general. You have to learn how to strip things down to their barest essential. Learn how to take what is before you and simplify it. Imagine your wife comes to you, overwhelmed and stressed out. You should be able to take her problem and simplify it. If your children run to you, you need to be able to take the problem and simplify it. The ability to simplify the complex is the mark of a great general. Take a direct approach. You and I must make effort to eliminate every form of ambiguity and confusion from our lives. It takes a lot of effort to eliminate confusion. But when you eliminate confusion, you eliminate stress. It is because when you look at life, you will discover t...