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Showing posts from February 25, 2017

Knowing VI

Therefore, now no condemnation awaits those who are living in Jesus the Anointed, the Liberating King (Romans 8:1) Guiltiness is not next to Godliness! A lot of people liken the feeling of being guilty to spirituality. So many people are used to just feeling downtrodden before God because they believe guiltiness is next to Godliness. Again I say guiltiness is not next to Godliness. That feeling of guilt that you feel when you are about to pray, is not from God; it is the devil. The goal of condemnation is to put you down. The objective of conviction is to lift you up. Conviction has a definite solution; the Holy Spirit will tell you how to resolve issues and be guilt free. Condemnation usually has no solution, and if any, it usually compounds the problem. Condemnation tells you nothing is enough. Conviction tells you Christ is enough. With conviction, as soon as you acknowledge and repent, the feeling of guilt goes away. But with condemnation, the feeling of guilt never leaves. ...

Knowing V

“We will all be judged one day, not by each other’s standards, or even our own, but by the judgment of God... It is to God alone that we shall have to answer for our actions.” (Rom.14:10-13) Sometimes, God talks to us about other people so that He can confirm what He has said to them. This is closely linked to moral authority. You must have the moral authority to engage people at that level otherwise keep quiet. Even with yourself, with certain things and in certain situations, you need to ask yourself “does this concern my responsibility”? Let me give you an illustration. Billy Graham, a great man of God, years ago was so popular in the polity of the United States that they offered him a cabinet seat. But Billy Graham refused the position. Why? He said, “God has called me to be an evangelist and this does not concern my responsibility”. A lot of people would happily testify about it and how God has opened doors for promotion. The question is, does it concern your responsibility? ...

Knowing IV

“Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.” (Romans.14:4) A lot of people just abuse the things of God with, “God said…”. Keep quiet! Does it concern your responsibility and is it your business? Telling other people about God’s will for their lives can easily turn into presumption and arrogance. Yes, God speaks to us about other people but take note of this - under certain conditions. #1. If you are in authority over them, God will speak to you concerning them. For instance parents, God talks to fathers about their children. The fathers in turn change the destinies of their children through prophetic utterances. If you provide spiritual covering, for instance pastors, God can talk to you about them. #2. If you have the “moral authority” to speak into their lives, God will speak to you concerning them. In other words, you have built trust. With my pastor, Pastor Eskor of bles...