Fresh Fire Daily Devotional Monday 29th August 2016
“…Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them…”
Every move of God is preceded by a sound. You can have the prophetic Word but nothing happens until you speak it. Everything will wait until you speak. You have to get up and speak. The story is told of a couple who had been married for years and had children. The man was doing well and so was the woman. But the man’s mother brought him a new wife from the village. She told his wife that she had done well but her son needs fresh blood. The man claimed to be faultless in the matter and he took his mother up on the offer. It is sad but some men are just very foolish. But the woman got up and began to speak to the walls of the house; “Walls eject them in the name of Jesus”. She spoke to the spoons, “Spoons eject them in the Name of Jesus”. She spoke to the chair, “Chair eject them…”
She went about the house speaking to inanimate objects. She must have looked very foolish but guess what happened? Exactly as she had spoken, the mother and the new wife did not feel comfortable sitting on the chairs, or eating, or being within the walls of the house. And so they packed their bags and left the couple on their own. The truth is what we have is stronger than charms. In fact, charms are a very poor imitation; the original is with God. But you have to arise, you have to speak, you have to take your place. Nothing happens until you speak, nothing! Why? It is because there is no sphere of life that is beyond the influence of the Power of Christ.
“…Prophesy to these bones. Tell them to listen to what the Eternal Lord says to them…” Eze.37:4 , emphasis added]. So the question is, what is God saying about that situation? I have told you one already, God is saying you are going to move from death to life. It is not what your feelings are saying. God did not say go and tell them to listen to what your feelings are saying. Some of us are just ruled by our feelings, totally emotional. And we just go like a yoyo in the direction of our feelings. Some others want to get their directions from their friends. God did not say go and tell the bones what your friends have said. God said go and tell the bones what I have said. What is God saying?
Prayer: Lord, please empower me to peak only Your truth into the situations I am confronted with, in Jesus Name.
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