DCLM Daily Manna Friday July 15th 2016
Key Verse: "And he said, Verily I say unto you, No prophet is accepted in his own country"
- Luke 4:24
Text: Luke 4:23-32
One uncomely aspect of human nature is that we seldom appreciate the blessings that come to us readily. A simple logic about this condition is that, as they say, "Familiarity breeds contempt. " Thus, familiarity can be a great disservice to us even where it does not breed contempt, at least, according to one time English writer, William Hazlitt. When the Lord Jesus, reading from Isaiah's prophecy, announced the immediate commencement of His ministry.
The people marvelled at the depth of wisdom and power in His discourse but failed to trust Him as the Messiah. Familiarity robbed them of the great advantage of having the Messiah among them.
Christ chided them for this. He reminded them that it was the same attitude of belittling acknowledged prophets that made Elijah to by-pass the Jewry and bestowed favour on a Sidonian widow, even as Elisha healed a Syrian leper and none in Israel.
As it was with these Jews, so it is today. Many people are robbed of the ministerial blessings from their Christian relatives because of familiarity.
There are believers who miss the full benefits of their ministers because they have become too accustomed with them. Some Christians have become so frequent with Bible study and other spiritually enriching activities that they are no longer ministered to by them. For some others, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. This is a subtle trap that we must avoid if we truly desire the blessings of God.
Thought for the day: No foreign prophet may profit the man who despises a God-sent "local" one.
Bible Reading in one Year: 1 Chronicles 12 - 15
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