God's Favourite House Daily Devotional sunday 31 July 2016
By Femi Monehin
“Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble”
- Ecc.4:9-10
It is standard practice that when the enemy wants to destroy someone he starts by isolating them. The first time he pulls them out, they do not even notice on time. It is like a bonfire; if you pull a log out from the fire, it will still have fire on it. That log, by itself, will still burn for a while. So you find such people being arrogant and full of themselves because they think they are doing well by themselves. Guess what? Slowly but surely the fire will go off. When the fire goes off, then flies, insects, and all sorts will take residence on that log. I pray that that will not be your story.
There is protection in community and the enemy knows that. So the better you are at getting along with people, the happier and more successful you will become. Rudyard Kipling says, “The strength of the wolf is the pack, and the strength of the pack is the wolf”. I completely agree with this. A pack of wolves is so dangerous; the strength of the pack is the individual wolves and the strength of the individual wolves is in the pack. I am going to teach you how to deploy concerted action in your life and relationships by giving you four keys to unlocking concerted action.
1. Genuine Concern For People. You must have genuine concern for people. Some people think they are smarter than everyone else. So they jumble words together and think they have bamboozled everyone. People may not say anything but they know when you are taking them for a ride. You have to realize that people are not fools. For you to unlock concerted action, you must have genuine concern for people. Do not make the mistake of trying to use people; love people instead.
At God’s Favourite House, we do not use people, we love people and use things. But for some people it is the other way round; they love things and use people. It is a popular saying that people do not care how much you know until they know how much you care. And it applies to all facets; your children do not really care how much you know until they know how much you care about them. You may be the most influential person in the world but your spouse does not care how much you know until he or she knows how much you care. Have genuine concern for people.
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Father, teach me to love people like You love me, in Jesus Name.
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