“…But now a creditor has come, threatening to take my two sons as slaves.” “What can I do to help you?” Elisha asked. “Tell me, what do you have in the house?” “Nothing at all, except a flask of olive oil,” she replied” 2Kings 4:1-2
I want you to know without a shadow of doubt that it is your job to find that opening and to exploit it. God can help you find it but it is still your job to exploit it. We tend to think of openings and opportunities as a distant thing. “The greatest people maximize the opportunities at hand” – Anonymous. Look around you; there are opportunities before you already so stop looking everywhere for what God has already placed in front of you. In 2Kings.4:1-7, a widow came to Elisha seeking help because creditors had come to take her sons. And Elisha asked what she had in the house.
Many of us, like the widow, are quick to answer and say I do not have anything. Do not be in a hurry to answer. God is saying what do you have in the house? Just a little jar of oil, she said. Elisha said we would work with what you have and her story changed. In Luke 9:10-17, Jesus said to His disciples go and feed these five thousand men. They said, we have nothing except this little boy’s lunch. You are complaining that the opportunity is so small. Jesus says feed them. Why? It is because as you take the little opportunities, the ‘bread and fish’ will multiply.
In Judges 6:11-16, the angel said to Gideon, thou mighty man of war and Gideon said it cannot be me. There is something in you that you cannot see but God sees; He put it there and He is calling for it today. In Exodus 4:1-5, God said to Moses, you will deliver my people, Israel and Moses said how? God said, what is in your hand? Moses said, just a rod and God said, with this rod you will bring about deliverance. What I am saying is you already have the opportunity that will change your life. Like Moses, it is in your hand. Like Gideon, it is within you. Like the disciples, you have the relationships in your life already. Like the widow, it is in your house already.
A farmer wanted diamonds so he sold his farm and went on an expedition looking for diamonds. He spent all the money but found no diamonds and eventually committed suicide. Meanwhile back home, the man he sold the farm to, found black rock-like materials while digging. Apparently the farm was sitting on a diamond mine. You are married to an awesome person so stop looking for diamonds where it is not.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, please open my eyes to see the openings around me, in Jesus Name.
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