“There is treasure in the house of the godly…” Prov.15:6
A lot of us are familiar with the war in 1991 called Operation Desert Storm. The late Saddam Hussein bragged about it being “the mother of all wars” but it turned out to be the mother of all defeats. The U.S. bombarded Iraq and reduced it to almost nothing. Then they economically sent in allied forces led by the US. By the time the war was over, the allied forces had lost only about two hundred soldiers compared to the fifty thousand or more that Iraq lost, in such a short time! That is the principle of economy at its best.
Look for opportunities to make your naira go further. Why? It is because being economical gives you options. We learnt in the Principle of Security that you are only as free as the options that you have. Clement Stone started as a newspaper boy but went on to become a billionaire in dollars. It is wisdom to listen to what such people have to say. He says, “A part of all you earn is yours to keep, and if you cannot save money, the seeds of greatness are not in you”. The first time I read this, it shook me to my core. I know Jesus says that we should store our treasures in Heaven where moth and robbers cannot touch it. Believe me I know. You store your treasures in Heaven by giving to the poor and giving to God’s work.
But the truth is you cannot give what you do not have. If you have not learnt how to save, how would you have to give? If God wants you to take care of all the hungry people in Nigeria and you have not been saving, what will you give? When God calls for a seed, like He did with the Jews, if you do not have seed saved you would not have to give. “There is treasure in the house of the godly…” Prov.15:6. So one of the signs of righteousness is being able to store treasures. Believe it; it is in the Bible. “The wise store up treasure and oil, but fools spend whatever they get” Prov.21:20 Economize! “Wealth and riches are in their houses, and their righteousness endures forever” Ps.112:3. The wealth the Bible is referring to here is beyond designer chandeliers even though that is a representation. If you have no income for the next six months can you survive? Think about that!
Prayer: Lord, teach me to store up treasure and not spend whatever I get, in Jesus Name.
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