David remarked longingly to his men, “Oh, how I would love some of that good water from the well by the gate in Bethlehem.” So the Three broke through the Philistine lines, drew some water… and brought it back to David…” 1 Chro.11:17-18
The Pareto Principle states that twenty percent of what you are doing is responsible for eighty percent of the results you are getting. Only twenty percent of what you are doing right now is producing eighty percent or more of the result you are getting. Regardless of how wealthy you are, it is only twenty percent of what you are doing that is generating the wealth. Even in church, it is only twenty percent of the people in attendance that make things happen. Eighty percent of the result we see is by twenty percent of the people.
Now that you know this, your next step is finding that twenty percent by all means and concentrating all your forces. As a Pastor, there are so many things I can be doing. But I choose not to do them because they are not my twenty percent. I focus - Follow One Course Until Success. You start one thing, then stop it and start another thing, and yet another thing. Such people are hardly successful. Focus! What is that one thing?
As a leader, who are the twenty percent in your team? David had a large army but he had the group popularly called “the Thirty” or the “Gibborim”. David can lose all his soldiers but not the thirty because with the thirty, he can take nations back. From the thirty, David had the three or the three mighty men. Who are the three? The three are known not by the titles they have but by the sacrifices they make. Every leader must find his or her twenty percent and protect them. Sometimes, they are a lot less than twenty percent.
Is this favoritism? It is not favoritism. It is leadership. In fact, if you do not lead like that, you are going to have a lot of problems. Even Jesus led like that. Jesus had the seventy, from the seventy He had the twelve, from the twelve He had the three, and from the three He had the one. What is that thing that only you can do in your house? Make sure you are the only one doing it. Why should your house-help be the one serving your husband his food? Do not be like the ostrich that buries her head in the sand and thinks her whole body is hidden. There are certain things that only you should do because one thing leads to another. Ladies, no offence. The point is, you need to find that thing and zoom in on it.
Prayer: Precious Holy Spirit, please help me find my twenty percent and focus on it, in Jesus Name.
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