“Where there is no prophetic vision the people cast off restraint” Prov.29:18 [ESV]
I am a student of military campaigns and warfare in history. The study of great military campaigns has revealed universal principles crucial for every battlefield victory. Guess what? These principles are rooted in the Bible. These great generals throughout history actually learned the principles of war from the Bible and there are twelve of them. God has a lot to teach us about how to effect total victory in our lives through these principles. It does not matter whether you are a business person, an entrepreneur, a solopreneur, a freelancer, a professional, or a stay-at-home mom. These principles will save your life. In fact, these principles will give you victory as you deploy them, in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
We will kick off this season with the Principle of the Objective. Every war is propagated by an objective. Unfortunately, not many people engage with an objective. A lot of people engage just hoping that it will turn out well. But we see in Scripture that that is not how God deals. God always starts with the end in mind. He always starts with an objective.
Before God made man, He said let us make man in our image after our likeness. He did the design before He began to form man. “Where there is no vision, the people perish” Prov.29:18 [KJV]. Where there is no objective the people perish. What is the vision? What is the objective? Without vision people perish. I have said this repeatedly- he that has no plan will always succumb to he that has a plan. You can take it across board; in a marriage for instance, the man has no plan for his wife and the wife has no plan to keep the husband happy. A little “choo-choo” [young girl] outside has a plan to keep that husband happy. Guess who will win? I am not prophesying evil but it is important for us know the truth.
He that has a plan will always prevail! What is your plan to keep your wife super loved? What is your plan to keep your husband extremely happy, to make him feel like a king in his house and make him totally satisfied in all areas? What is your plan? If you do not have a plan, someone else has a plan and he that has a plan will always prevail.
Prayer: Father, I pray that I will not perish in any area of my life this year because I will set objectives and You Lord will crown me with victory, in Jesus Name
Source: GFH
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