“But Jesus told him, “Anyone who puts a hand to the plow and then looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God” Luke.9:62
The opposite of concentration is distraction. What are the things that are distracting you and distracting your forces? Get rid of them. Why? Because if you do not actively get rid of them, they will spread you too thin, you are going to dissipate energy and you will be totally ineffective. There are many things that you could be doing, but there are also things that only you should be doing. Focus your energy and concentrate your powers on the things that only you should do. Get rid of distractions!
A man came to Jesus really excited and expressing his desire to follow Jesus and Jesus accepted him. Then he said to Jesus, wait let me go and kiss my family goodbye. If you decide to give all your life to God, is going to kiss your family goodbye a bad thing? So distractions are not necessarily bad things. In fact, a lot of the time they are good things. Let me kiss my family goodbye and Jesus said something totally very profound. Jesus said, “he that lays his hands on the plough and looks back is not fit for the Kingdom of God”. When I read this portion of Scripture, my thoughts were, Lord isn’t that too hard? This man just wants to go and kiss his family goodbye.
But this is what Jesus said, anyone that lays his hands on the plough and looks back is not fit. Jesus did not say he that lays his hands on the plough and abandons the plough is not fit. It means the man’s hands are still on the plough, his decision to follow Jesus had not changed but his focus had shifted. He has been distracted and looks back; Jesus says not fit!
Do you know why? It is because when you are ploughing you ought to be focused on what you are doing. If you look away, your plough will follow your focus. That is how serious distraction can get. And there is only one thing to do with distractions; brutally eradicate it.
So the Principle of Mass is not only effective on the offense, the Principle of Mass is also very effective on the defense.
Prayer: Holy Spirit, please help me to identify and eliminate all distractions in my life so that I will be fit for God’s Kingdom, in Jesus Name.
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