“Then Moses raised his arm and struck the rock twice with his staff. Water gushed out… But the Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “Because you did not trust in me enough to honor me… you will not bring this community into the land I give them”
Num.20:11-12 [NIV]
#3. Decisions! Decisions!! Decisions!!! This is one thing I can hear in my spirit consistently. Your decisions, they say, determine your destiny. It is not the devil; it is your decisions that determine your destiny. The turn you take or you do not take. Your decisions will either hasten or halt your destiny. So watch out for what I call the destiny H.A.L.T signs. Do not make impulsive decisions when you see a halt sign so as not to halt your destiny. What is a halt sign and how do we recognize a halt sign?
What is the H in the H.A.L.T sign that you need to watch out for? H is for Hungry. Do not make impulsive decisions when you are hungry. That may sound trivial but it will save your life; ask Esau. He will tell you that he lost his birthright, he lost his destiny, and he lost it because he was hungry. He made a hasty decision because he was hungry. So if you see the H.A.L.T sign hunger, stop! You are hungry and it is not the time to be making decisions.
What is the A in the H.A.L.T sign that you need to watch out for? A is for Anger. Do not make hasty decisions when you are angry. When you see the H.A.L.T sign Anger, stop!
What is the L in the H.A.L.T sign that you need to watch out for? L is for Loneliness. Do not make irrational decisions when or because you are lonely. When you are lonely, the enemy is saying click on that pornographic sight, do not do it. When you are lonely and telling yourself that every man is a man, remember that is not the man for you. Stop!
What is the T in the H.A.L.T sign that you need to watch out for? T is for Tired. You are going to be under pressure to make decisions when you are tired but do not do it. Do not make decisions when you are hungry, angry, lonely, and certainly not when you are tired.
Victory is your portion in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Your personal relationship with Jesus is key. Pay attention to the decisions you make. For some of us, the first decision we need to make today, is to allow Jesus into our hearts. I pray you decide to make Him your Lord.
Prayer: Father, whatever decisions I have made that have halted or are attempting to halt my destiny I pray that You will remove the H.A.L.T signs and in Your mercy set me in motion again, in Jesus Name.
Source: GFH
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