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“Then the Lord turned… said, “Go with the strength you have, and rescue Israel… I am sending you!” “But Lord,” Gideon replied, “how can I rescue Israel? My clan is the weakest in the whole tribe of Manasseh, and I am the least in my entire family!” Judge.6:14-15

The hero is just the coward that held on five minutes longer. Courage is a habit and you can develop it. The only person who has never fallen is the person who has never walked. Do not be afraid of falling. The question usually on a lot of people’s minds is what if I try and it does not work? Big deal! Get up again. Fear is based on exaggeration while faith is based on inspiration [God's Word that has exploded in your mind]. You need to be courageous. Everybody that is fearful is courageous; they just don’t know it but they are courageous in the negative direction.

The people that are fearful for instance in Nigeria, and are running away to other countries in search of greener pastures, are actually exhibiting courage. It takes courage to plunge into the unknown. But like Naomi, after it is all said and done they will come back because Nigeria is the country to be in. There is no dishonor in falling; so why are you afraid to fall? The only dishonor is in failing to get up again after the fall. Yes you wrote the exam but you did not pass. Go back and do it again. I see you breaking every curse in your life courageously and walking into your destiny courageously in the Mighty Name of Jesus.

I will illustrate the corridor principle with this story. A research was done using a series of MBA students as the case study. And they discovered that irrespective of the cost and time spent doing the program, only ten percent of every class go out to start a business and are successful. And the conclusion was, the people that did not step out didn’t step out because of the fear of failure. And not one out of the people that stepped out was even sure. But they took the chance and became successful.

Andy Stanley puts it this way; “Fear often disguises itself behind the mask of care. Fearful people often excuse their fear as caution”. While there is nothing wrong with taking calculated risks, a lot of people disguise their fear as calculated risk. All the people that stepped out and became successful said the amazing success they encountered was not in the direction they initially set out to get. So success almost always they say, comes from a different direction than anticipated. The key is commitment to take action.

Prayer: Father, I ask for the grace to walk on water even as I keep my eyes on You, in Jesus Name.



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