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Dominion Mandate Daily Devotionnal March 4, 2016

THEME: You Are The Answer
Matthew 5:7-16

 We are in a period in which peoples’ hopes and expectations are crashing day by day; many are approaching the brinks of desperation; but your case is different. Your focus should not be on what is happening around you, rather you should focus on God’s words that says ‘’when men are cast down, thou shalt say, There is a lifting up; and he shall save the humble person’’’ (job 22:29).

 Everyone else around you maybe complaining that times are hard; but functioning in the Dominion Mandate will distinguish you and give you a different testimony. Catherine Pulsifer said ‘’we can turn our focus to looking for the positive in the problem, and, there is a positive to every problem. Sometimes you just have to stop and look for it.

 Every problem encountered by mankind is an opportunity for those that will focus and discipline themselves to find the solutions to the problem. When such solutions are found, they engender enormous goodwill. Beyond this, they could also generate enormous resources as people are willing and eager to pay to obtain solutions to their problems.

 People are willing to pay for food to solve the solution of hunger. People are willing to pay for houses in order to solve the solution of lack of shelter. The more biting the problem is, the more likely it is that the discerning and creative ones will turn around their own solutions, and go forward by providing solutions for others.

 Disconnect from the crowd of complainers and agitators and begin to provide solutions to the problems. Never forget that you are the light of the world and the salt of the earth.

Pray for comfort, consolation and divine guidance for many that are hurting at this time.

My light will shine brightest in the present gloomy circumstances; I will add taste to the lives of many.


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