Theme: Creating the way God does
Psalms 33:1-9
In the challenging times that nations of the earth are passing through, the people that are equipped to provide answers to the numerous prayers that are being lifted to heaven are the ones that are functioning in the Dominion Mandate.
To create the answers to needs of communities, states, regions and nations, you need to understand how God, your father, creates; then you can begin to create likewise.
The first thing God does inn the creation process is to see clearly what he wants to create. That is why he create light for vision, wisdom, revelation and insight before he created anything else (Gen, 1:1-3). With this mental picture, he then began to call forth the things he wanted.
Two processes were involved while God was creating in Genesis chapter 1. First is the process of creating something from nothing.
This is done when something that never existed is spoken into existence in the tangible, spiritual form. The invisible thing created continues to exist inn that invisible form until it is converted to its tangible form. “By th word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all their host by the breath of his mouth” (Psalm 33:6).
Man for instance was created in the invisible, intangible form when God said in Genesis 1:26, “let us make man in our own image and likeness…” But the physical man was transformed in Genesis 2:7 when man breathed into moulded clay. Learn to create the way God
creates and you will soon rule your world.
pray for leaders in various governmental positions in your Local Government, State, and Nation
Ask God to grant the leaders wisdom and insight for solving economic problems.
Pray for the jobless to receive vision and creativity.
The creative ability of God is in me. I will use it to transform the world.
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