Theme: Prepare For Greatness
Proverbs 10:1-9
The key word in our reading today appears to be in verse 4 which says “he becometh poor that dealeth with a slack hand: but the hand of the diligent maketh rich.”
If diligence is what makes people rich, isn’t it an irony that today, people want to be rich, yet they do not want to work, nor do they want to be diligent in service. Let no one deceive you, the days in which people lived by gathering and eating manna for which they did not labor re far behind us. The bible actually commands that anyone who void work should not eat (children and the incapacitated being the only exceptions).
“For even when we were with you, we commanded you this: if anyone will not work, neither shall he eat. For we hear that there are some who walk among you in a disorderly manner, not working at all, but are busybodies. Now those who are such we command and exhort through our Lord Jesus Christ that they work in quietness and eat their own bread” (2 Thesss,3:10-11).
You must prepare yourself to be able to do diligent work and render excellent service. You must submit yourself to the discipline of training and personal capacity development. Abraham Lincoln shows one way to do this. He said “give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first hour sharpening the axe.”
In today’s highly dynamic and competitive world, you cannot afford to tackle your daily duties with a dull axe, whatever those duties may be.
Ask God to provide help for the numerous
unemployed persons that are downcast.
Pray for healing of personal and national economy.
Pray that God will direct the leaders in the church and in Government.
I am blessed and the works of my hands are blessed. Whatever I lay my hand to do prospers.
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