Bishop Olanrewaju Obembe |
AS we live here on earth, we all face the unexpected, as the only thing that is CONSTANT is CHANGE. Anything can happen unexpectedly in the Social, Economic and Political Global Spheres.
This week, China’s BLACK MONDAY triggered negative ripple effects in the global stock markets. Chinese stocks dipped more than eight per cent ON MONDAY causing global negative losses, as investors in America, Europe and other Nations question the stability of the Asian economy.
The richest man in Asia – WANG JINALIN was reported to have lost a whopping $13 Billion US Dollars during this period. The savings and income of some institutions were erased. Trillions of Dollars in turnover and savings of institutions were wiped off by the monstrous devaluation of stocks and assets. Obviously, we are the people of the end times: the level of anxiety, apprehension and worries are overwhelming. At a time like this, we have a “HIGHER CONSTANT” that cannot change – the MOST HIGH, THE EL-ELYON – the GAME CHANGER, the UNCHANGING CHANGER, Who can CHANGE TIMES AND SEASONS for our benefits and allow the pendulum to swing in our favour (Daniel 2:21) “AND HE CHANGETH THE TIMES AND THE SEASONS: He REMOVETH KINGS AND SETTETH UP KINGS”.
Our Heavenly Father has continued to SHIELD those that belong to Him from the negative effects of Global BLACK MONDAYS. Despite the instability that micro and macro economic activities may bring to the marketplace, God assures us why we have not been consumed by these galloping inflationary trends.
The UNCHANGING CHANGER declares in Malachi 3:6 “For I am the LORD, I CHANGE NOT; therefore YE SONS OF JACOB ARE NOT CONSUMED”.
We have a CONSTANT GOD in a CHANGING WORLD. The Word declares in Psalm 91:1 “He that DWELLETH in the SECRET PLACE of the Most High SHALL ABIDE under the shadow of the Almighty”. So, how do we overcome BLACK MONDAYS, which have been predicted to reoccur over and over again, as it did seven years ago? (1) The Bible says THROUGH GOD WE SHALL DO VALIANTLY (Psalm 60:12).
We must recognise that the only place that is SAFE, IS IN GOD. We must not trust in our riches. Psalm 62:8 “TRUST IN HIM AT ALL TIMES, ye people, pour out your heart before Him. GOD IS A REFUGE FOR US. Selah”. We should TRUST IN GOD rather than trusting in our riches.
Proverbs 11:28 “He that trusteth in HIS RICHES SHALL FALL” (2) Today, we must receive the WISDOM OF GOD to make investments in the Kingdom of God and SPECIFIC AREAS that God would dictate to us.
Peter had toiled all night and caught nothing, but JESUS gave specific instructions that brought total turnaround and breakthroughs to Peter’s fishing business (Luke 5:1-7). (3) If you have incurred losses, as a result of the global economic downturn, deliberately take your losses to the LORD and He will give you Supernatural restoration.
Deliberately throw all your burdens and losses unto the LORD today. Jehovah God is the ROCK OF AGES. He will not allow you to be moved, confounded and devastated.
Through your connection with God, you will always overcome the excruciating global economic forces! JESUS IS LORD. PRAYER: Father God, I bring the losses in my life to you.
You are THE ONLY ONE that can absorb my losses. I cast all my losses upon You. Thank You Father for the Supernatural restoration and the releases of Your provision upon my life. In JESUS MIGHTY NAME, I overcome every BLACK MONDAY.
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